Safe anchors

Proper anchoring and professional installation of safes.
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Anclaje de caja fuerte

The anchoring of safes is a crucial aspect in the security of any valuable storage unit. Poor anchoring and careless installation can make it an easy target for criminals, allowing unwanted situations to occur with a simple pull. At Rigau Grup, we understand the importance of proper anchoring and professional installation of safes.

Spanish regulations and the anchoring of safes

In Spain, there is a specific regulation, UNE 108136, which defines the “Anchoring Procedures for Security Storage Units”. These regulations are essential to ensure the safety of safes in a variety of environments, from homes and businesses to jewelry stores and hotels. The main purpose of this standard is to ensure that safes are effectively anchored to resist theft attempts.

Anchor type and importance

The UNE 108136 regulation establishes that there are several types of anchoring, each with its specific characteristics and requirements. These anchors can be mechanical or chemical, and in some cases, a combination of both. The choice of anchor type depends on several factors, such as the weight of the safe and the characteristics of the installation site. It is essential that the anchor meets the intended tensile strength to ensure safety.

Strength requirements and anchor point

The regulations specify that the anchor must be strong enough to support at least the weight of a 2,000 kg safe. This ensures that the storage drive is protected against removal attempts. In addition, the standard states that if the anchor point is not made of a concrete slab of quality C20/25 with a thickness of at least 165 mm, it is mandatory to use an anchor plate to reinforce the installation.

Supplementing security with Rigau Group?

The anchoring of a safe not only meets the legal requirements, but also complements the level of security established in the UNE-EN 1143-1 Standard. This standard classifies safes according to the level of resistance to theft and defines the security standards they must meet. Proper anchoring is essential to ensure that the safe stays in place and meets the required security levels.

Proper anchoring is essential to ensure that the safe stays in place and meets the required security levels. Our team of security experts will ensure that your safe is securely anchored and meets all strength requirements. We spare no effort to protect your most precious assets. Contact us today for the most reliable security solution.