Security today is essential for our well-being and quality of life. Rigau protects us and gives us the opportunity to offer a wide range of locks with different levels of security according to two parameters that are considered fundamental.

Security levels: What are there?

Security today is essential for our well-being and quality of life. Rigau shields us and gives us the opportunity to offer a wide range of locks with different levels of security according to two parameters that are considered fundamental. Do you want to know what they are? Keep reading!

As we said, there are different levels regarding the security locks which we can consider according to two parameters: on the one hand, system resistance timeThat is, the time it takes the criminal to open the door, and on the other hand, the noise that we can detect before they enter our house.

Of all the security systems that exist today, perhaps I forgot the base, the most vulnerable part. Alarms are a very effective companion nowadays, but not everyone can have them, for different reasons and, furthermore, despite being in favor of any installation that provides us with security (everything is compatible), there are increasingly more alarm systems. more sophisticated inhibition. Tot i així, having them or not, like dèiem, lEven so, having them or not, as we said, the base that we often forget is the door. The entrance door to your home is usually the most vulnerable part. Opening a door without a security system is very easy.

Rigau offers some very interesting security measures in door locks of different levels depending on the needs required by each home:

  • Level S1. It has a cylinder with an empty shield inside. This system has a resistance equal to or greater than 2 minutes. This system is the one installed in 90% of homes and the noise is 25 dB.
  • The S2 level. It has a cylinder with an armored shield. It is a system with antibumping and antiextraction, with an uncopyable key, it has a physical resistance of 20 minutes and 50 dB.
  • The S3 level. It has a cylinder with an armored shield and combines physical detection and early detection (electronic) that warns us before the criminal enters our home. Tea a resistance of 30 minutes.
  • The S4 level. It has a cylinder with a double shield and both physical and advance detection. In this way we now have a physical resistance of 40 minutes and 20 minutes with early detection.
  • The last level. It has a comprehensive system that is installed together with an armored door. It has a resistance of 120 minutes of physical resistance and 120 minutes with early detection.

Rigau locks are an essential base to take care of our home. Do you want to know more or we can explain which security system best suits your home? Contact us and we will help you!


For more information contact Rigau to help you with locksmith or automotive locksmith.