If you’ve lost your car keys and don’t have a copy, don’t worry. You can call a locksmith to obtain a new key and regain access to your vehicle quickly.
If you find yourself in the situation of having lost your car keys and you do not have a backup copy, it is understandable that you feel frustrated and worried. However, it is important that you remain calm and take steps to resolve the situation. In this situation, there are some options you can consider, such as calling a locksmith to help you open the car, contacting the insurance company to see if the costs of replacing the key are covered, or contacting the dealer to obtain a new key. By taking action quickly, you can regain access to your vehicle and continue with your day without major problems.
There are several reasons why you may need a duplicate of your vehicle keys. They have stopped working, you have lost them, you only have 1 copy and you want more…
In Rigau we are specialist locksmiths in automotive locksmithing and we provide copies and duplicates of keys for all types of cars, including high-end ones, whether they work with a remote control or not.
Below are some real examples that we have encountered with our clients:
In this case, the original key was a fixed key and the client came to us to make a copy of the key in folding format: much more convenient and practical. The duplicate key cost €150, a much cheaper price than the original key.

The owner of this car came to us because he had lost his keys and we got him a specific key for his 2005 BMW Series 1.

Similar to what happened to the owner of this 2015 Honda CR-V, for which we made a copy of the smart control.

In this case we also made a copy of the intelligent control for a 2016 Nissan Qashqai.

If you have lost the keys, we can make you new ones. Total loss of keys for a 2021 Fiat 500X, FCA group.

If you also need a duplicate of your vehicle keys, do not hesitate to contact us for a quick and effective solution!